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Writer's picturethegoddesswife

After 40, I needed to change my diet

As you have ventured into your 40's, you may have noticed that your energy crashes more quickly than it used to. Or maybe you have gained a few pounds around your middle (seriously :/), despite the fact that your diet has remained basically unchanged for as long as you can remember. right? But it is not your imagination. As women after 40, basal metabolic rate decreases, estrogen levels dip, and blood vessels decrease in elasticity. These factors make it harder to stave off belly fat, and also increase the risk of heart disease, cognitive decline, and osteoporosis. However, the good news is that what we eat - something we all do each day - can make a big and lasting impact.

Here are my simple tweaks you should make to your diet in your 40's that can help you stay lean and 'forever' healthy ;)

1. Increase calcium intake

Remember, as estrogen production decreases in aging women, it becomes harder to absorb calcium. And since the risk for osteoporosis increases with age, this nutrient is vital for your health. As a woman over the age 40, I shoot for around 1,000 milligrams calcium per day. That comes out to about three to four daily servings of calcium rich foods, and this does not only mean things like yogurt, cheese, and milk. Many cereals and plant based milks (like almond or soy) are fortified with calcium, and dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, and collard greens are other great options too.

2. Eat oily fish

And I meant it - if possible, at least two times per week. Of course, salmon is my favourite ;).

Hormonal changes occur as you approach menopause (still have some time until then, thank god! ;)), that increases your risk of heart disease, while diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. So if you have not already, it is time to build on relationship with omega-3-rich fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, and herring. And EPA and DHA are omega-3 found in fish and fish oils that you need to keep your brain, heart, and eyes healthy as you age. Remember, you have to aim for two 'palm sized' servings per week. Beside, it is good to know that, as you get older, your skin produces less vitamin D in response to the sun ;) Oily fish is therefore an excellent source of vitamin D, so it is another win for nutrition in your life after 40 ;).

3. Eat enough protein

This is key for both meals and snacks. Basically, you want to have protein on your plate whenever you eat, without any excuses. You lose muscle mass as you get older, and protein (along with weight lifting) helps you preserve and enhance lean muscle, making it a particularly key nutrient ;) Yes! Beside, interestingly, research suggests your body can use protein more effectively for muscle-building when you include 'protein rich' foods throughout your day. And remember, as a general rule of thumb, make a protein rich food a component in every snack and strive for 30 grams of protein at every meal ;) That means you will need about four ounces of chicken, fish, lean meat, or 'plant based' protein like lentils, beans, or soy. And for snacks, include an ounce of nuts, two tablespoons hummus or nut or seed butter to meet your protein needs ;). When I crave a quick snack, one of my favourites are apples with peanut butter ;) Yum, you should try it out if have not yet :).

Healthy habits

4. Eat more leafy greens or microgreens

We know, we know, veggies are sure a 'no-brainer'. But leafy greens, in particular, are important to incorporate into your diet as you approach midlife. Several studies have shown stronger resistance to cognitive decline with high veggie intake, with the best protection from leafy greens. One of my favorites is lacinato kale or my homegrown microgreens. You can simply add them to just about almost anything on your plate, even home made pizza ;) Oh yes, yum! Another easy way to get your greens? Toss a handful into a morning smoothie or fold them into scrambled eggs or your go-to omelet (one of my 'all time' favourites too) ;).

5. Do not eat late at night

Night owls, listen up! Eating late at night will more likely to cause weigh gain and elevate cholesterol and insulin levels - oh yes! Beside, these can lead towards risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease!! Just remember, eating earlier helps boost your energy levels, and thats something you need to sustain healthy you ;).

6. Build relationship with balsamic vinegar

This common pantry staple can be a boon for your health. Yes, you heard that right :) Balsamic vinegar contains powerful flavonoids called anthocyanins (the same type found in blueberries, which I also adore on so many levels ;)), which can help reduce the risk of hypertension and heart disease. These compounds also protect arteries from damage caused by damaging free radicals. Beside, you do not need to limit your balsamic intake to only salads, try adding a drizzle of balsamic over whole grain side dishes, roasted vegetables or even fruit salad for a tangy punch ;)

7. Eat more fat

Number one key to loose weight - remember that!! To firm up and keep those excess pounds off for good, you may need to add more fat to your diet, however it does need to be the right kind. Moon says." A recent study of nearly 9,000 women over 40 found that the closer they stuck to the Like I mentioned earlier, like a diet that tends to center around omega-3 rich fish, along with olive oil, nuts, and plenty of fruit and vegetables. So many options out there. As long as you keep this in mind :).

8. Cut down on sodium

Bloating is very common after 40 (and especially during menopause), and a high sodium diet can not only exacerbate bloating but also be a major contributor in the first place (yes, i know!:/). This is where 'reading labels' comes in place ;). Do not only rely on how salty food tastes. Many people do not realise, for example, that a serving of salted peanuts contains the same amount of sodium in a slice of bread or a cup of milk (copy this!!) Unexpectedly, many salt loaded offenders often lurk in the baked goods aisle. Sweet products like muffins, cookies, and breakfast cereals can be loaded with the stuff. In fact, most coffee shop muffins have as much sodium as four servings of potato chips. Salad dressings, condiments, jarred sauces, and packaged frozen entrees are other 'salt laden' offenders. Just simply do not fall for something like 'Fat reduced' muffins, croissants, cookies, etc. - This sure is full of crap!! Start cooking and preparing food from scratched. That is all I can say! No bullshit around that.

As long as you keep on track with above tips and try to adjust to it - I can guarantee (among with daily exercise), you can be on track again in your 'sexy' you. Do never underestimate the power of healthy habits!!

Until next time, S.



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