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Writer's picturethegoddesswife

Amazing benefits of exercising daily

For most people, weight loss is the main motivator for getting into shape (not me though :)). However there are a lot of other benefits to daily exercising than just fitting into those skinny jeans. Trust me or not, regular physical activity can improve your sex life, make your skin glow and, reduce potentials to many health problems and many more. Whether you are already fit or looking for a little extra motivation, follow my steps below to get moving!

1. Exercising daily can improve your sex life

Researches show that only 20 minutes of regular exercise a day can improve sexual response. Not only does working out leave you feeling energised, but it can also make you feel more desirable. Since exercise can improve health, vitality, appearance and self-esteem, it does indeed tend to increase interest in—and capacity for—sexual activity., awesome no? ;) Just make sure your partner is on the exercise bandwagon as well ;) :p, beside couples that workout together - stay together, they say no? ;) Working out with your partner, not only will allow you to spend time together, but it will trigger adrenaline and other feel-good hormones to get you in the mood.

2. Exercising daily will Improve your skin

If vanity is still your number-one motivation to get in shape, then add glowing skin to the list of benefits. For one thing, remember, exercise enhances the blood flow to your skin. ( i know I said that already on numerous occasions, however it's the exercise that will give your skin glow, not the overuse of all the expensive products out there! ). Studies have also shown that exercise improves acne by controlling the production of acne-inducing testosterone hormones like DHEA and DHT. Beside, sweating can unclog pores and help clear up your breakouts—ultimately detoxifying the skin of oils and dirt.

3. Exercising daily can prevents muscle loss

As we get older, not only do our bodies build muscle less efficiently, but the muscle we already have breaks down more quickly, according to the studies. This makes regular exercise an integral part of healthy aging. Remember, exercise not only helps us maintain our muscle mass, it can also increase it. This ultimately keeps our metabolism high, gives us strength and endurance to complete tasks of everyday life, and helps prevent falls, which can be a life-changing experience. (not in my 20's anymore ;)).

Healthy habits

4. Exercising daily can also Improves digestion

Daily exercise helps the intestinal muscles break down food and move it through your system correctly by strengthening the abdominal muscles and minimising sluggishness. Beside, regular exercise can help prevent constipation. Bottom line - keep moving :).

5. Exercising daily enhances mental performance

Let's say I am a firm believer that daily exercise is essential for improving overall quality of life, especially when it comes to your daily chores. Not only does daily exercise improve self-confidence (in which helps you take on leadership roles and perform better), but it also increases overall productivity and focus.

6. Exercising daily reduces stress

We've been hearing for years that regular activity boosts your mood, but it does much more than that. Trust me, once you get motivated (you kind of become addicted ;) better than being addicted to something that overall harms your body ;)) - exercise can make (and does) a big difference. Exercising daily can definitely help you relax and make you feel better, keeping anxiety and depression from coming back. But how right? When you exercise, neurotransmitters and endorphins that ease depression are released. Plus, you raise your body temperature, which has been shown to calm nerves. So, not you know. Just keep it there somewhere, to remember each time you feel down!

There are many other health related benefits, however I kept it simple, to cover the most important aspect of it. Now, think about how you could make a change and find that 20 minutes a day to heat up the body's temperature and feel amazing. Not just today, but tomorrow, and after tomorrow and the day after, and ...

Until next time, S.



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