Asparagus are one of my favourite spring veggie, with a long list of health and nutritional benefits :). But did you know - asparagus is known for making pee smell funny ;) Yes, I know, but it can has so many benefits, like helping you beat bloat and lose weight, thanks to its diuretic properties and high fiber content. The veggie is packed with other nutrients, too, including vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6, as well as folate, iron, copper, calcium and protein. Beside, it is a rich source of antioxidants.
1. Asparagus is rich in antioxidants
Especially purple asparagus as it is full of anthocyanin, which give fruits and veggies their red, blue, and purple hues and have antioxidant effects that could help your body fight damaging free radicals. When preparing asparagus, try not to either overcook or undercook it. Although cooking the veggie helps activate its cancer fighting potential, letting it boil or sauté for too long can negate some nutritional benefits. And remember (not just with the asparagus) overcooking asparagus could cause the vitamins to leach out into the water! ;)
2. Asparagus can help your libido
If you are looking for asparagus benefits for men that help in the bedroom, consider adding the veggie to your next date night menu. Asparagus is a natural aphrodisiac thanks to vitamin B6 and folate, which can help boost feelings of arousal. Plus, vitamin E stimulates sex hormones, including estrogen in women and testosterone in men ;). Come on, if this is not convincing, then I do not know what is? ;)
3. Asparagus beats bloating
When it comes to fighting bloat, asparagus packs a punch. The veggie helps promote overall digestive health (another benefit of all that soluble and insoluble fiber). And thanks to prebiotics - carbohydrates that can not be digested and help encourage a healthy balance of good bacteria, or probiotics, in your digestive track. Beside, it can also reduce gas and it is a natural diuretic which helps flush excess liquid, combating belly bulge.
4. Asparagus is rich in vitamin K
Along with other green, leafy vegetables, asparagus is a good source of vitamin K. The vitamin is crucial for coagulation (which helps your body stop bleeding after a cut) as well as bone health.
Beside, most people think of calcium for healthy bones, but let me tell you, vitamin K is also very important if not essential :) It can actually help your body absorb calcium. So, that sure is a good thing!
5. Asparagus can help you maintain healthy weight
Not only is asparagus low in fat and calories (one cup sets you back a mere 32 calories), but it also contains lots of soluble and insoluble fiber, making it a good choice if you're trying to lose weight too. Because your body digests fiber slowly, it keeps you feeling full in between meals.
Beside, fiber can definitely help you feel satiated, making it beneficial for weight loss
To maximise the veggie's calorie torching potential, pair it with a hard boiled egg (mix with fresh sprouts or microgreens and voila - perfect salad and one very nutritional meal on your hand ;)).
6. Asparagus will help you boost your mood
Asparagus is full of folate, a B vitamin that could lift your spirits and help ward off irritability. Researchers have found a connection between low levels of folate and vitamin B12 in people who are suffering from depression. My advise - eat more veggies and fruit full of mineral and vitamins, exercise daily and get rid of depression natural way :) Asparagus also contains high levels of tryptophan, an amino acid that has been similarly linked to improved mood. Why not change foods for better and healthier options and enjoy the 'happy you' again? ;)
Now that you know, that this 'giant' veggie is one of the most nutritionally well balanced vegetables, beside reputed to be an aphrodisiac - I believe it is the time to enjoy varieties of meals served with asparagus. Enjoy!
Until next time, S.