I challenge you to find confidence with your natural beauty!!
In a world full of photoshopped faces in unrealistic places, I challenge you to embrace your true self. During a time when people care more about their number of followers, I challenge you to care about what really matters.
1. But what exactly is natural beauty?
I believe natural beauty is you, yes 'YOU'!! Not you versus someone else, ok? There is no competition. There is only you in a world full of other natural beauties. Simple as that!!
So what now? Nothing else but to fully embrace it.
I am not psychologist and I sure can not give you a 'step by step' guide to being happy. Only you can make you happy. However, I can tell you that you are beautiful. And no one else can be as beautiful as you, but you and you only.
2. Be grateful
So when someone compliments you, you take it. Say 'thank you.' Always thank you! Then, smile and feel the joy when your natural beauty is recognised. Laugh and smile. Let the wrinkles happen. Let your face tell the story of your happiness, ok? Also;
- Take care of your body.
- Drink lots of water (but do enjoy some wine too ;).
- Eat healthy foods (but don't feel 'guilt' after enjoying the decadent desserts the world has to offer. To me, some of the best memories center around a home cooked meal with family or elegant dinner with husband.
- Make the memories.
- Surround yourself with other naturally beautiful things (if you can't grow a garden full of luscious flowers, put a cute little potted succulent on your desk. There's something inspiring about a living plant in your work or home environment).
- Dress for your body shape and your personality. You will walk a little taller and smile a little brighter when your outfit best represents you. Trust me. I know this for a fact.
- Above all, be kind. A positive word and a generous heart can go a long way. A true beauty knows how to bring out the beauty in others.
I have met so many women over the past decade, and I can say that each one has her own natural beauty. Not everyone is the same and I would not even want it that way.
Be yourself. Trust yourself. Be unique 'in your own' beautiful you.
Until next time, S.