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Best exercise tips to workout efficiently

For busy people, like me, like you, like many ... it’s quite challenging to manage time to complete three-four workout sessions in a week from their already busy schedule, right?

In my opinion, It’s difficult yes, but it is doable too. If I can do it, you too sure can :)

Below, I will share a 3-4 day workout routine especially tailored to fit into your busy life to workout more efficiently and more frequently. I will also write down some exercise tips you can add to your busy schedule ;). So here are my tips;

1. Complete your workout in the morning

If you struggle to maintain consistency, then you (without a doubt) need to start exercising in the morning. It is the best way not to skip 'that' daily workout session. I practise this and it makes wonders ;)

Due to the type of tasks a busy person do, during the day there remain several chances that they might get busy with a new task or come back home – totally exhausted and just want to relax.

If you want to build exercising a habit then you need to try exercising in the morning and home-based gym sessions are best. And I am a great 'living example' :). Besides, it’s sustainable, with many advantages to it. And what are some good reasons to exercise in the morning?

- It gives you a sense of accomplishment and you feel relief, knowing that you can relax after coming back from work.

- Morning exercise boosts your metabolism.(besides that cup of coffee ;) ).

- You will be much more active and productive during the day. (true, true, true!!).

- Helps you to become more consistent with your workout. (Baaaam!).

2. Find a workout that fits into your busy lifestyle

Following a workout routine that made for all might not be equally effective for a busy people.

You need to create your own workout routine. Below I am giving you a sample workout routine for a perfect kick start.

To me (from my own experience) the perfect workout session time is 35 minutes. Or it can vary between 12-40 minutes depending on your workout goals. You can choose to workout only 15 minutes on a busy day. Then workout for 25-40 minutes on other days, when you are not that busy. To have a fit, active, and toned body; you have to workout at least three times a week (I train 5 times/per week + 2 days rest (not really, like stretching, yoga or pilates work best for me :)). Depending on the day and the time you have available for your workouts, you can choose in between a short or medium-length workout session (find something that work well for you).

3. Focus on exercises that engage your full body

To build your strength and to burn more calories in less time you need to focus on exercises than engages your full body or multiple body parts.

Most of these full-body workouts can be performed by using your body weight. So, you can definitely try these in your home. (follow my free exercises with full instructions).

Do these exercises to build stamina and burn your unused calories:

- Burpees

- Squats, jump squats

- Lunges

- Pushups, knee pushups

- Plank

- Frog jump

- And many more.

4. Have a clear fitness goal and keep patience

It’s important to have a clear fitness goal. It simplifies the process.(hell yes ;) ).

Mixing your fitness goals or trying to complete multiple goals can mix the whole thing. Beside you won’t get your desired results. It can demotivate you. That’s why you need to focus on one thing at a time. First decide whether you want to build your strength, lose weight or want to build some lean muscles. Tackle each of those with 45 days time period. It will become much easier ( I promise!!).

5. Exercise tips to get a toned body

Who would not like to have an amazing toned body? Here are some of my favourite quick tips on how to get a toned body.

- After you build your body strength through bodyweight exercises you need to increase your workout intensity and include some advanced movements into your workout routine.

- Simple squats can be transformed into a jump squat. It will give your leg a nice shape, especially your calves and lower thigh.

- For flat stomach and strong core combine pushups with burpees.

- To tone, your hand muscles do 3-4 sets of dumbbell curls and hammer curls. In each set try to do 9-12 reps.

6. Working out from home can give great results

Running can help you a lot to be more fit. But for some busy people it might be not practical because of the two reasons:

- To access a field to run you have to commute

- Your gym is perhaps far away, from where you live.

So what then? It becomes easy to exercise from home if you have some free space (honestly you just enough space to put your mat down on the floor and willingness to finish that sweaty session - Yes, no excuses here!).

I recommend fitness equipment for home: 2 Sets of dumbbells ( 1 lightweight + one medium weight), one kettlebell, one or two resistance band… that’s all.

With these, you can do most of the workouts you do at the gym.

7. Double your exercise results by eating the right food

It’s said that you exercise to sculpt your body and your food forms the body.

And it’s absolutely true. Only exercising isn’t that effective if you don’t look after what you eat. And when you have limited time to exercise and want to have a toned body then you need to make good food choices.If you love eating tasty food and want to be fit; it’s best to find a balance between nutritious and tasty food. (you can check into my kitchen and have a look that I do eat I wish really. The key is in the "preparing your food yourself" ;)

Remember, your eating habits and food choices determine how much calories you are consuming. My advise to all busy people out here - calculate your average daily calorie intake. Also, following some eating patterns like intermittent fasting, keto diets, can help you to keep your calories in check.

8. Exercising through outdoor activities you love

Outdoor activities are great to be more active and it’s fun too.

It’s hard to be more physically active when you work from a desk - I completely understand, however outdoor activities like gardening, hiking, cycling, dog walking, etc. on a weekends allow you to live an active lifestyle. Besides, it’s refreshing no? :)

Also, there are some health benefits of spending time in nature.

The best part about, outdoor activities – there are so many options. It means you can always find something new and exciting to do and never get bored.

Healthy habit

Get in the game and if you need some motivation, I am here to help ;)

Until next time, S.



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