To me, body image and self-esteem start in the mind, not in the mirror. And they sure can change the way you understand your value and worth. And trust me, healthy body (overall) image and self-esteem are a big part of 'well being'. Let's dig a bit deeper :).
1. Body image is mental and emotional
Again , to me, body image is mental and emotional (it is both the mental picture that you have of your body and the way you feel about your body when you look in a mirror)! Healthy body image is more than simply tolerating what you look like or simply 'not disliking' yourself. A healthy body image means that you truly accept and like the way you look right now, and are not trying to change your body to fit the way you think you should look. It means recognising your individual qualities and strengths that make you feel good about yourself beyond weight, shape or appearance, and resisting the pressure to strive for the myth of the 'being perfect' body that you see in the social media, online, in your communities, etc. Please stop comparing to all that crap - It's not real - rather fake, fake and fake - on top of everything!!
2. Self-esteem matters
It is how you value and respect yourself as a person, to me, it is the opinion that you have of yourself inside and out. Self-esteem impacts how you take care of yourself, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. And remember, self-esteem is about your whole self, not just your body. End!! When you have good self-esteem, you value yourself, and you know that you deserve good care and respect, from yourself and from others. You can appreciate and celebrate your strengths and your abilities, and you do not put yourself down if you make a mistake. Good self-esteem means that you still feel like you are good enough even when you are dealing with difficult feelings or situations.
3. Body image and self-esteem go hand - in - hand
They both directly influence each other your feelings, thoughts, and behaviours. If you don’t like your body (or a part of your body), it is hard to feel good about your whole self. The reverse is also true: if you do not value yourself, it is hard to notice the good things and give your body the respect it deserves. Right? :) Good body image, self-esteem, and mental health are not about making yourself feel happy at all times. They are really more about respecting yourself and others, thinking realistically, and taking action to cope with problems or difficulties in healthy ways. Focus on good and avoid negative (at least as much as you can) and expect more joy.
4. Treat you body with respect
- Eat well balanced meals and exercise daily (if possible) because it makes you feel good and strong, not as a way to control your body. Beside, notice when you judge yourself or others based on weight, shape, or size. Ask yourself, if there are any other qualities you could look for when those thoughts come up, ok?!
- Also, dress in a way that makes you feel good about yourself, in clothes that fit you now.
- Find a short message that helps you feel good about yourself and write it on mirrors around your home to remind you to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
- Always surround yourself with positive friends and family who recognise your uniqueness and like you just as you are.
- Be aware of how you talk about your body with family and friends. Do you often seek reassurance or validation from others to feel good about yourself? Do you often focus only on physical appearances?
- Remember that everyone has challenges with their body image at times. When you talk with friends, you might discover that someone else wishes they had a feature you think is undesirable.
- Write a list of the positive benefits of the body part or feature you don’t like or struggle to accept.
Beside, the next time you notice yourself having negative thoughts about your body and appearance, take a minute to think about what’s going on in your life. Are you feeling stressed out, anxious, or low? Are you facing challenges in other parts of your life? When negative thoughts come up, think about what you’d tell a friend if they were in a similar situation and then take your own advice.
It is important to be mindful of messages you hear and see in the media and how those messages inform the way people feel about the way they look. Recognise and challenge those stereotypes. You know better. You can do better!
Until next time, S.