Making time to eat a healthy breakfast can often be put on the backburner. Work and daily plans&tasks are important, but breakfast is just as important- in fact, it’s arguably the most important meal of the day for me.
Let's have a look at the benefits of eating a healthy breakfast?
- Breakfast gives you your first boost of energy that you will carry throughout the day and help overcome feelings of groggy-ness upon first waking up.
- Breakfast can give you increased concentration and helps you retain and recall information more efficiently
- Breakfast helps you maintain a healthy body weight (this, without a doubt is true!)
- Breakfast is your first chance at providing your body with essential nutrients during the day, which can often not be accomplished in those who skip breakfast
My tip to you ;)
Make sure you incorporate at least 2-3 of these healthy breakfast essentials to get the most out of your breakfast by eating foods that give you sufficient nutrients and guard against feelings of hunger during the day.
1. Whole grains
I choose between cereals (wholewheat) and oatmeal that are low in sugar and high in fiber, or whole-wheat toast (you could in-fact eat ½ of a wheat bagel for breakfast too :))
2. Lean Protein
Good source to add it to your breakfast is peanut butter (I can eat that with spoon ;)), hard-boiled eggs or lean meats
3. Dairy products
I drink rice milk, eat cottage cheese and yogurt (and let's be honest here, I never drink low-fat or reduced fat products as the body needs 'that fat' too (as long as you are eating healthy overall, you should be ok on that one too :))
4. Fruits and vegetables
I daily eat fresh or frozen fruit (like berries, pineapple, kiwis - are amongst my favourite) or a smoothie packed with fruits and vegetables to get in my vegetables in the morning but still get that delicious fruity taste. (I also add a scoop of whey protein powder into it, to get that portion of protein in ;)).
Bottom line - and if I am being honest, you do not need to complicate with breakfast. Whether you have time to cook breakfast in the morning, or have to eat your breakfast on the go, there’s a healthy breakfast for everyone. Most importantly is, that you never skip it and make it as part of your daily routine.
Good morning and enjoy your breakfast.
Until next time, S.