Squats (in general) in their myriad forms should be at the heart of any well considered training program - Trust me on that one ;) They target many muscle groups, improve coordination and are therefore a highly useful way to strengthen and transform your body. Sound good no?
1. But first, what is the sumo squat?
The sumo squat is a squatting exercise performed with a wide stance, like a sumo wrestler. There are variations and it can be performed with, or without, a load such as a kettlebell or dumbbell, which is far my favourite.
2. Benefits of the sumo squat
The sumo squat has many benefits. Let's break it down;
- Build lower body muscle.
- Increase activation of the adductors (in case you do not know - these run down the inside of your thighs :)), where the sumo squat works them harder than the conventional stance. (usual squat).
- Improve core strength. (yes, all squats are also great for your abs and core).
- Enhance balance, coordination and proprioception. During the movement you must stay tight and in control at all times, especially when you are squatting a heavier weight. This forces your body to work hard to stabilise and control your movements. Therefore you become more aware of where your body is and how it moves.
So the bottom line is - add sumo squats into your training and improve your body for life in general and in the gym/home gym.

And what muscles are worked by the sumo squats?
- Quadriceps
- Gluteus muscles
- Hips
- Hamstrings
- Calves (gastrocnemius)
- Thighs (the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, rectus femoris, and biceps femoris)
Follow these steps to perform perfect sumo squat:
- Place your feet wider than shoulder width apart
- Point the toes out at 45-degrees
- Rotate the hips outwards
- Inhale and brace the core and glutes (and grip if you are performing a weighted Sumo Squat)
- Break at the hips (push them back) and begin to descend by bending the knees
- Always maintain a straight back
- Squat lower than parallel, pause then return back up the starting position
- Exhale during the final part of the ascent
- Repeat for the desired number of reps
My favourite sumo squat variations
If you enjoy the sumo squats just the same as I do & wish to expand the extend of your training, simply add these variations into your daily workout session.
- Tempo sumo squat (4,3,1 - which means 4s lowering phase, 3s pause and 1s contraction phase).
- Sumo squat with rotation
- Dumbbell sumo squat
- Sumo squat jumps
And remember, sumo squats are an excellent full body exercise that can be used as an effective muscle building tool ;). They are especially effective for the glutes, lower back, hips, thighs and calves. And do not trust anyone that says they are bad for your knees. Right opposite - sumo squats can play an important role in developing strong, fit and mobile knee joints too.
Now get that workout plan in place and let's squat away ;)
Until next time, S.