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Writer's picturethegoddesswife

Connect to your divine feminine

Divine masculine and feminine energy exists in all things, including you. And in a world dominated by masculine energy, more and more people today are looking to tap into the divine feminine. So, here's what the divine feminine archetype is all about, plus how to embody it to bring more balance into your life. Trust me, it's a total game changer.

1. Divine feminine relates to the divine masculine

Divine feminine and divine masculine can't exist without the other. This means that despite our cultural associations of masculine and feminine with men and women, respectively, we all have both energies within us. They just might not be evenly balanced. And too much masculine, and we get aggression and domination. As well too much feminine, and we get disempowerment and stagnation. Simple as that right?!

'Everyone has both the feminine and the masculine qualities, and it's not about what sex you are.'

And trust me, the place where these two sit in balance is a sweet spot that we should strive for in our 'day to day' life.

'The energy of the feminine embodies the nurturer, the healer, the compassionate peacemaker, while the masculine energy is focused on doing and achieving,'

They're meant to complement and support each other: They are the yin and yang. Just remember this and this will soon get easier ;).

2. Divine feminine qualities

The qualities of the divine feminine can be seen throughout many religious and spiritual traditions in the form of goddesses and powerful feminine figures (such as Shakti in Hinduism, Venus in Roman mythology, etc.). To me, the divine feminine is soft but fierce when necessary, loving, and supportive. Again, don't let the word mother-throw you off as everyone can access their inner divine feminine, regardless of gender. Just try to remember that through honoring the sacred feminine, we all can find natural access to spiritual qualities like receptivity, patience, the ability to listen, and the care for all of life.

Now lets's talk the qualities. If you wish to be 'TheGoddess' in your own world, you have to be;











Gentle and above all

Sexy as f* (for yourself first) - fell good in your own skin, be attractive and see what happens. Please yourself above all!

3. You should be connecting to your Devine feminine every day. It is a must!

We very much live in an 'action oriented society', which tends to veer more into divine masculine territory. Connecting to the divine feminine within is all about slowing down and being rather than doing. It's also about embodying those aforementioned qualities, like compassion and intuition.

Here's how I start tapping into this energy in my everyday life ;)

- I embrace my sensuality above all

Divine feminine energy embraces all things sensual. Trust me. The sooner you realise that, the better. Not necessarily to be confused with sexuality, sensuality is all about physical pleasure, whether in the form of 'self care', textures, pleasing sights, etc. It's tactile. And we can embrace it by 'getting in touch with the feeling side of things.' For example, I do light my favourite candles, buy myself fresh flowers, cook a fragrant meal, put only my favourite sensual outfits and let the smells and tastes envelop your senses. ;)

Healthy habits

- I practice 'self love'

To me, the ultimate way to embrace the divine feminine is to practice 'self love'. And that means loving myself as I am, not as I think I should be. And let me remind you, one of the biggest components of 'self love' is 'self compassion' and compassion is the love language of the sacred feminine. Oh yess! Try looking in the mirror and saying 'I am willing to activate the divine light within me,' Further, practice 'seeing yourself in the eyes of source energy, God, the divine, etc., which is one of the best ways to live in the energy of the sacred feminine,' Practice is the key. Every day!

- I reclaim rest

We're fueled by a 'get more done' mindset and 'constantly on a mission to achieve more, do more, get more.' Right? Do we share opinion? But to resist this temptation, I try to allow myselfto simply be, and do virtually nothing. Yes, nothing! As much as I can (however this does not apply my daily workouts. I absolutely freaking love those ;). However, in the power of the pause we can tap into the divine grace of the feminine and you should just believe me. Try sitting in silence for just five minutes. No music or distractions, just allowing yourself a moment's rest. Just listen to your breathing, see what is happening inside. Feel that. I do it daily and hell yeah. Nothing, absolutely nothing can beat it. It is the ultimate something, you have to do every day.

- I write journal

Reflection and going within is a big part of divine feminine energy. So, I am going inside and o the journaling and writing this blog (at first and above all for me, myself and to honour my journey, my personal growth, etc). And if that means I can inspire some other people, that's my mission complete. To me, writing, is a nice way to take time to reflect and tap into my feminine energy within. Beside this practice helps me express myself in a way I feel at that particular moment while tapping into my own creativity. And that's another quality of the divine feminine.

- I try to add more yin energy into my space

More 'yin' or feminine energy into your space is one easy way to get the divine feminine energy flowing. And to me, yin in the home is very soothing, so I prioritize lighting, colors, and textures that support my calming environment. Go where the heart goes. I love the cosy and warm environment above all. Make me feel alive and calm and the same time.

- I mastered to read my daily dreams

I interpret my dreams daily and it is a great way to get in touch with my divine feminine because, again, it's a means of reflecting on my inner world.

To me, dreams have a lot of symbolism that can connect with synchronicities and other things coming up with my life. "And noticing that, being aware of that, and being present enough to connect to that falls into the category of the divine feminine.

- I prioritise 'me time'

In my opinion everyone needs time to reconnect to themselves, which is why I have a practice that I like to call 'me matters most time.' This is a time where I reconnect with my inner self and that's my daily workout. It is my life, my passion, my life changer, my everything. And that's something I do. Find your 'me matters most time'. Beside, remember to treat this time as a sacred space for you to honor your own divine light. And never fail on yourself. Make yourself a priority. Work around your time and schedule things ate first. Later it will become a routine. And routine will sooner or later become a habit. Work on it. Daily.

- I tap into my intuition

I believe we are all familiar with the idea of a mother's intuition, the intuition being strongly connected to the divine feminine. And tapping into this intuition is a great way to connect to my own feminine energy by 'going within, tuning in, and seeing where I am at. To me, It's all about getting quiet with myself and 'not going outward for information but rather receiving it from within.

- I spend time in nature

And by saying that, I do tend to connect with nature in the outdoor and indoor life.

I like to go out and spend some time in the nature while I do connect myself with nature via growing my own micro greens, planting and potting my plants. And while practising this I instantly connect with the sacred feminine energy. And I like to call it 'grounding' aka 'earthing' and to me is one of the most transformational tools for awakening to my inner light. All I have to do is walk, or touch and smell the soil. And, trust me, even five minutes of fresh air or a short walk barefoot in the grass can be enough soul food to awaken your divine feminine.

Now remember, the divine masculine and divine feminine are archetypal representations of energies we all have within us.

And the key is to find the balance between them. Especially in our 'action oriented' world, many of us would benefit from tapping into our own divine feminine power on a regular basis.

and I urge you to start practising this.

Your life is precious. Accept it.

Until next time, S.



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