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Writer's picturethegoddesswife

Connecting to my feminine energy

To me, female energy refers to feminine traits that each and every one of us possesses. Whether you are female or male, we all balance a masculine and feminine side. Unfortunately, we live in a patriarchal society that embraces masculinity more than anything. Hence, in this post, I will share with you why we should embrace our female side and how we can embrace it too (and we should).!

1. Embrace femininity

Regardless of your gender, we all possess a feminine and masculine side (already mentioned above). These refer to the energy we radiate as human beings. Femininity is an embodiment of 'mother nature' who is nurturing, protective, patient, as well receptive.

But what is the quality of feminine (female) energy?

The quality of the feminine energy is intuition, deep feeling, creativity, interconnectedness, openness, self-worth, and wildness.

And what is the quality of masculine (male) energy?

The quality of masculine energy is action, productivity, competitivity, rationality, logic, structure, motivation, stability, and independence.

So, while we all should balance both of these energies, society tends to value masculine energy more. Our society thrives solely on productivity, working several jobs, finding work success, and being detached from our emotions and feelings. However, this way of living has been highly criticised by many. Beside, I always thought that having female qualities was weak and negative (what a bull shit really!!) And that was until I started my 'self healing' journey. Being closer to my femininity helped me find peace and happiness. It also helped me find a balance between my personal life and 'my work'. As a matter of fact, (in the book 'Magical self-care for everyday life', the author compares the two to the Yin and the Yan). The Yin representing female energy while the Yang representing male energy. According to her, both work together, balancing each other out. And, one never goes without the other. And this, to me, is accurate. Very accurate.

2. But how do we embrace feminine energy?

- Always reflect on yourself

To connect to your feminine energy is to reflect on yourself. Femininity embraces change, improvement, and being closer to your inner self. By reflecting on who you are, through journaling, for example, you explore and examine your inner being and allow yourself to grow.

- For once, start to honour your body

The sixth way to embrace your femininity is to honour your body internally and externally. Move your body, nourish it with water and good healthy food, nurture it, take care of it, listen to it, and most importantly, as a woman who bleeds, honour your natural cycle. Your body does so much to keep you healthy and alive, it is hence crucial for you to see it as a temple that you honour and embrace. This way of thinking also helps to love oneself more and accept one’s body for how it is!

- Start to feel your feelings

Yes, feel your feelings. When an emotion arises, whether it’s a good or a bad one, allow yourself to feel it. Don’t try to rationalise your emotion. Just feel and acknowledge your anger, your sadness, your anxious thoughts, or your happiness. This method is very helpful to overcome your emotions and be in tune with yourself. One way I like to deal with my emotions is journaling. This is how I become aware of what I am feeling. In that situation, I also try to be as detailed as possible. I don’t just write 'I am sad'. I try to be as descriptive and precise as possible. Get deep!

Healthy habits

- You have to develop your intuition

The first way for you to embrace your feminine side is to become more intuitive. Your intuition lives in your body, not your brain. It’s when your gut or heart directs your decisions. It’s a feeling, a knowing and it is calmer and quieter than the brain. There are several ways for you to become more intuitive. First of all, you can ask your intuition simple questions like 'What should I eat for dinner' or 'should I wear the black or the white dress'. You can also practice intuition with or intention cards. These divination exercises rely highly on your gut feeling so they are pretty helpful. Meditation is also another amazing mindful exercise to develop your intuition because it helps you calm your mind and listen to what your body says (i do meditate on a regular basis and or do yoga or somatic movements, etc.).

- Rest and recharge

This one is by far my favourite. In general, resting restores us in many ways and is just as important as the action phase of our day. It allows us to heal and regenerate more efficiently, enables our brain to function better, keeps our mood more stable, and recharges our body. There are many ways you can rest and recharge, you can either read, take a dog for a walk, do breathing exercises, do some home workouts, journal, or meditate (there as endless options out there. As long as you do things that will help you 'grow' and become better and better). At that moment, I also like to keep my free time away from my phone because being on social media is very draining overall. So i try to keep in down whenever I can and I write instead. Like right now! :).

And again, connecting to your feminine energy, whether you are a man or a woman is crucial as it can help you have a healthier relationship with yourself and those around you. Prioritise yourself, your needs, step out of your comfort zone daily and watch things turn around for better.

Do not waste your life and appreciate the positive energy around you. If only you allow!

Until next time, S.



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