For centuries, these tropical tree fruits have been enjoyed for their sweet, bright flavour. More recently, research has uncovered added benefits in the form of key nutrients that help people fight aging, maintain a healthy weight, and improve overall health.
Like peaches and cherries, mangoes are known as a stone fruit because of their center pit, which is easily recognisable because of its large size and flattened oval shape. Originally from India but now grow abundantly in Mexico, South America, parts of Florida and California. While (at one time considered exotic), mango fruit is now available in most supermarkets and is a common ingredient in many dishes, owing to its popular flavour and versatility (it's delicious sliced, chopped, pureed, juiced, and even roasted ;)). Mango is also know for its high nutritional value and health benefits. Here re some of them, let's have a look :)
1 cup of chopped mango contains;
- 99 calories
- 1 gram of protein
- 6 g fat
- 25 g carb
- 3 g fiber
- 23 g sugars
89 microgram (mcg) vitamin A
- 7 mcg vitamin K
- 60 milligram (mg) vitamin C
- 277 mg potassium
1. Full of vitamin C
Mango is also full of key nutrients including vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful ingredient in many anti-aging products. A healthy diet that's high in this nutrient might help aging gracefully, researchers even suggest that people who eat more vitamin C have fewer wrinkles ;).
One cup of mango serving provides two-thirds of the vitamin C you need in a day. Beside vitamin C plays an important role in the body’s healing process, and helps your body form blood vessels, cartilage, muscle, and collagen in bones.
2. Protection from free radical damage
Free radicals are compounds that are associated with many chronic diseases and aging in general. High levels of antioxidants, including beta-carotene and vitamin C, in mango help safeguard cells from free radical damage. Mango is also a good source of phytochemicals, which are plant based compounds known for their health-promoting properties. Specific phytochemicals in mango, including phenolic acids, mangiferin, carotenoids, and gallotannins, have been linked to anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, and anti-cancer effects.
3. Improved digestive tract and overall digestive health
One cup of mango contains around 3 g of fiber (this is roughly 10% of what you need in a day). Dietary fiber has long been recognised as crucial to digestive health. Beside, mango specifically was found to significantly improve constipation, including stool frequency and consistency, Therefore consuming mango may increase the healthy fatty acids and gastric secretions that aid digestion.
4. Improve sleep
Mango contains vitamin B6, vitamin responsible for producing serotonin, a chemical that helps with sleep and regulates our mood. Three quarters of a cup of mango typically provides 8 percent of your daily B6 needs.
5. Eye health care
Mango contain the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin as well as vitamin A, all of which help protect our eyes and reduce the risk of macular degeneration. While additional research is needed to determine the exact link between zeaxanthin and age-related macular degeneration, this specific antioxidant may increase the concentration of macular pigment, thus building healthier eyes.
6. Anti inflammatory effect
Most of the nutrients in mango, including antioxidants and vitamin C, have anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore people with arthritis and other inflammatory conditions may benefit from mango consumption.
7. Flawless and smoother skin
Researchers found out that women that eat mango at least four times a week saw a 23 percent decline in deep wrinkles after two months (this was found out according to a study published in the journal Nutrients in 2020, the study was supported by the Mango Board and conducted by researchers at the University of California).
8. Improve cardiovascular health.
Eating two cups of mangoes a day benefited systolic blood pressure among healthy post-menopausal women. This is likely because of the polyphenols (such as mangiferin, quercetin, gallotannins, and gallic acid) that the fruit contains.
After all these benefits mentioned above, clearly, mango can be (and should be) part of a balanced diet and help you maintain good health. However this beautiful round bright coloured fruit cannot be a cure-all and will not magically fix (nor erase) every wrinkle on your face, but will sure help maintain your healthy and balanced diet. Beside it is so delicious I could eat it every day ;).
Enjoy your mango :)
Until next time, S.