It may seem strange that a sauna in the morning demonstrates improvement in work efficiency and also promotes better and deeper sleep when done in the evening, but there is a scientifically sound reason for this. Trust me.
By intentionally raising the temperature of the body by a few degrees in the sauna, you will help the body to begin the natural process of cooling itself for sleep. And if you choose to use an infrared sauna in the evening, be sure that the reading lights are off so as to not confuse your circadian rhythm. Infrared light is naturally a part of sunlight and it appears most strongly in the morning hours, and the evening hours as the sun is setting. It is unlikely that exposure to infrared light will negatively affect sleep as infrared light is invisible to the eye and is a part of the natural spectrum of light in the evening.
However any form of sauna or heat therapy that intentionally raises the body’s temperature in the evening will help with falling asleep, trust me.
Beside, when you are exercising and lifting weights regularly, sauna is the best time to improve muscle recovery too. If you are looking to use a sauna for muscle recovery, I suggest that a far infrared sauna is the most effective in producing positive muscle recovery because of this light spectrum’s ability to deeply penetrate into the soft tissues of the body.
Exercise breaks down muscle fibers, and it is during recovery that the results of the effort are most easily seen. By increasing the body’s ability to repair itself with sauna use, it becomes possible to workout more frequently with less downtime for recovery.
Yes. If you have a chance. Use sauna and give your body time to recover as well relax.
Until next time, S.