Honestly? Inspiration can often times seems to be totally out of control. By saying this, I know you can't always command your brain to come up with the brilliant idea, find ideal solution to potential problem, just as much as you can't simply decide to feel creative today. Can you relate?
To me, feeling inspired in life is a major, the most important, part of sustaining motivation, so therefore, lack of it might be a clue that something else in life is going wrong. Although inspiration might be elusive at times, trust me, there still is plenty of strategies that you can use to encourage it to strike more often ;). One think out of all to me, is to have a space that's been designing around my needs and things that will sure inspire me. Ask me what - and first thing sure is my home, corner for workout, a lot of daylight through windows, my selfie mirror surrounded by real green plant - that is something that drives me, my energy and ideas come along. Do not waste your time in space that you cannot resonate with. Life is too short. Make a change today. And simple thing usually make wonders anyways.
1. Inspiration is important
The bottom line is, we all need a little inspiration in our lives from time to time. It can help us to get through tough times, or it can simply help to motivate us to do our best. Whether we’re working on a project or just trying to get through the day, inspiration can be a great boost to our morale and our productivity. If something, I know this for sure. Years of years working and learning about it and trust me, you can master it so well that it will get to every pore of your body. Just give a chance.
2. But where does my inspiration come from? And why I (most of the times) take it seriously?
There are many different sources of things that inspire me, and it can come from anywhere. Sometimes it’s a song, or a picture, or a quote. Sometimes it’s something I see or hear, yet sometimes it’s just a feeling I get. And I get it a lot. Practise practise practise. No other way around it, trust me.
3. To me, inspiration isn’t equivalent to a positive effect
Let me explain. People around me often look to their inspirations as if they’re automatically guaranteed to be a positive force in their lives (bull shit). This isn’t the case as inspiration can be anything that someone looks up to or tries to model themselves after. Right? Are you with me? It doesn’t have to be a good role model, in fact, it can be even downright terrible. Inspiration can be an ideal to strive for, or it can be the person you aspire to be like when you’re having a bad day. Ok? And when it comes to creative endeavours, inspiration is key, the key! It’s something,
- What gets us started
- What keeps us going and
- What makes us better.
We all have our own sources of inspiration, things that drive us to do better, to be more than we are. But what happens when our inspirations stop being positive forces in our lives? Hmm, that's something I question myself a lot. Bottom line - I think we all have that one person we look up to, no matter how terrible they may be, right? They could be a celebrity, a friend, a family member, or anyone really. And we know, deep down, that they’re not good for us. But we still look up to them. We still want to be like them. We still want their approval. The honest truth is, we can’t have it. We can never have it. No matter how much we want it, or how much we try, we’ll never be good enough for them. They’re not worth our time or our effort.
So what do we do then? How do we break away from our inspirations when they’re not good for us?
First, we have to recognize that they’re not good for us. We have to see the signs that they’re not healthy for us and we have to be honest with ourselves.
Second, we have to accept that they’re not good for us. We have to be okay with the fact that we can’t be like them and that we don’t need their approval.
Third, we have to let go. We have to let go of the idea that we need to be like them and we have to let go of the idea that we’ll never be good enough.
Finally, we have to find new inspirations. Yes, I say that a lot!
4. We have to find people or things that are good for us and that we can look up to
It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be hard to let go of our old inspirations, especially if they’re the only ones we’ve ever had. Honestly, it’s worth it. It’s worth it to find new sources of inspiration, to find people who are good for us and who will help us grow. Help us grow, listen to me!! So;
- Don’t be afraid to let go
- Don’t be afraid to find new inspirations.
- It’s okay to be scared, but it’s more important to be brave.
5. To me, inspiration helps me achieve my goals
There are many different sources of inspiration. Some people find inspiration in their religion, while others may find it in their family or friends. Some people find inspiration in nature, while others find it in their hobbies or interests. Varies. And that is perfectly fine.
No matter what your source of inspiration is, it is important to find ways to connect with it and to draw from it when you need it. When you are feeling lost or uncertain, take a few minutes to connect with your source of inspiration and allow it to lift you up and give you the strength you need to continue on your journey.
Everyone needs inspiration in their life to achieve their goals. And this can come from many different places, but it is important to find what inspires you and to connect with it regularly. Let me remind you, when you are feeling lost or uncertain, take a few minutes to connect with your source of inspiration and allow it to give you the strength you need to continue on your journey. End. Cannot be more simple than this.
6. Inspiration will help you find your purpose in life
It can be something as simple as a song that speaks to you, a quote that makes you think, or a friend who encourages you. In my case, I find inspiration in my own life experiences. I know that I can use my story to help others and that ultimately, that is what inspires me to keep going.
Now, listen - when I was younger, I was always the 'bullied kid.' I had a family that was constantly bullied me with food (like don't each that mush, you are going to be fat, your legs are already big, stop eating, eat this, eat that, etc). with what I felt like I was always the outcast. I was ashamed of my body, and I felt like I couldn’t do anything to change it. This still haunts me, but now I know, beacause I learn about myself, about my body, my capabilities and strength. I hold on to my positive mindset but I know it is trying to trick me, many time. I am strong and I am better than ever. I can overcome anything. Nothing hold me back anymore. I am free.
7. Fly high after all your downfalls
Today more that my profession as a personal trainer and nutrition coach, I tend to help people achieve their health and fitness goals, set up positive mindset and I know for fact that I am making a difference in their, your lives. I am inspired to keep helping others because I know that I am making a positive impact. I also know that, everyone’s journey is different, but we can all find inspiration in our own lives. It may be something as simple as a song that speaks to you, a quote that makes you think, or a friend who encourages you. Find what inspires you, and let it guide you on your path to happiness. Just remember this! You got this.
8. Inspiration will eventually help you find happiness
When you find something to be passionate about, you find yourself more content and fulfilled. You don’t need as much from the outside world to make you happy, because you have found what you are looking for inside. You have something to focus on and look forward to. This can be anything from a creative passion, such as painting or writing, to a more physical passion, such as running or playing a sport. To me, is all about my writing, coaching people but most importantly to train daily and strengthen my mindset, emotional and physical state of mine.
Again, finding your passion can be a challenge, but it’s worth it. And Once you find it, don’t let it go. Nurture it. Feed it. Add to it. Grow with it. Daily.
And trust me, it will become a part of you.
And you will be a better person for it. That's all that matters.
Pause. Think and let me know what you think. Your thoughts matter too.
Even the Queen Elisabeth knew,
'It is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change.'
Until next time, S.