Now, let's talk about happiness and all sort so things that come along, shall we?
Have you ever felt like others just simply don’t understand. All they see is 'you' to be living a happy life? Jeez, tell me about it and trust me, you’re not alone in feeling this way, but the truth is that happiness does take work (shit loads of work) and learning how to live life to the fullest takes dedication and practice. Hear me? D E D I C A T I O N.
You know what, I fight every day to find the courage and strength to smile through it (through life, daily life) and enjoy life in the best way possible. If I can do it, you too can. I know I say it a lot, but the truth is - life is short (sometimes shorten than we think), and we only live once. To me, learning to live life to the fullest is an important step in making the most of every day. What are your thoughts on this?
1. You will have to decide what’s important to you
Whether it’s working hard on your career, writing a new blog post each day, or baking up fabulous creations, you get to decide how you enjoy spending your time. Your parents, friends, community, and society in general all have their opinions, but at the end of the day, you’re the only person who will be around for every moment of your life. I train every day, I do bake a lot, I do spent time outdoors, etc...all those things make my life full. And I do (most of the time) only what makes me happy. And I know that by doing this everything else will fall into place (eventually). Whatever you do, do what you love and love spending time doing it. Find hobbies if your job isn's fully satisfying, just stop complaining and judging others for doing things differently.
2. I advise you to take more risks
What if I say, that sometimes there’s danger involved in life? However every reward carries risk with it. If you never take risks, you’ll never get anywhere in life, and you certainly won’t learn how to live life to the fullest. I do say this a lot too, but staying in your comfort zone is the fastest way to become discontent. Without stepping outside what you’re already comfortable with, you will cease to learn and stagnate in both your personal and professional life. And I mean it. While it may feel uncomfortable, taking a risk can be as simple as saying 'yes' next time your friends want to go out instead of staying at home alone. It can mean going out on a blind date, buying plane tickets to a new city, or dragging out those paints that have been stuffed away for years.
I know for fact that when we look back on our lives, we all do (at some point) regret chances we did not take. So in my opinion, you should find something new to try today and set goals beyond what you currently believe possible. Ok? Promise?
3. Live now. Be present.
Now, remember this.
- Your past is important to learn from.
- Your future is important to work towards. At the end of the day, though,
In order to ground yourself in the now, I suggest you practise mindfulness, which involves learning to live in the moment by noticing what’s around you, how you’re feeling, why you’re feeling that way, etc. To me, meditation does wonders too. It will sure help you get in touch with your thoughts and feelings, here and now.
4. Never compromise your values
Copy this forever. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. Don’t compromise on your internal code of ethics, as this will leave you feeling empty and full of regrets. Life doesn’t work like a movie. It’s filled with grey areas too (we all have ups and downs). Always trust your instincts (your gut) and do whatever you want (despite others opinions). And do it for that long as you can, looking yourself in the mirror and appreciate all you have done. You have to feel the love. You have to feel the peace. The calmness. Ok?
5. Keep your mind open at all times
Having an open mind is important for your personal growth. Just because you’re right about something doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways to look at it. In my opinion, you should listen to ideas you don’t agree with or understand keeps your brain active and healthy. You’ll continue to learn as long as you stay open to difficult conversations. Don’t assume you know everything about another person, as they always have more to teach you. Once you understand this, things around you will change too.
6. Be kind to the world around you
Every day. By offering a smile or a kind word can do wonders to help someone feel better about where they’re at in life. When others see you practicing kindness, they’ll also be more likely to do so, which can help everyone learn how to live life to the fullest. Stop hating. Start loving!
7. Step out from negativity and haters
No matter what you decide to do with your life, there will always be someone around to point out the many ways you’ll fail or what you’re doing wrong with each step you take. Oh yes, daily.
But you know what, know that every winner loses, but not every loser wins ;). Every successful person did not start out successful. What makes them successful today is that they keep pushing through failure. Every day. You win some, you loose some. Be wise!
At the end of the day, all that matter is within you.
Learning to live life to the fullest is a big step in discovering a path that will lead you to your greatest sense of happiness and accomplishment.
However, do not forget that we all need moments to rest and relish in a sense of contentment, but staying in one place too long will leave you feeling a lack in life.
Again, discover what makes your life feel meaningful and go after it. And keep in mind that ideas are useless if you don’t act on them. So, less thinking and more doing ;).
Until next time, S.