But before we start, you need to fully understand what 'being authentic' even means. Trust me, World needs more authenticity. Things gone wrong in all directions!!
'being authentic means you get to stop hiding who you are from other people.'
Period. End. And with that gift, you can then cultivate meaningful relationships with those around you, and more importantly with yourself. To me, it's all about being authentic and If I inspire you to at least try - then my mission is completed.
1. Why even copy others?
If anything, then finding yourself, your authentic self is essential to live life fully. You have to tune in to exploring how living up to impossible standards, comparison, and body objectification are hindering your growth, and what you can gain from being authentically you. It sure is start to find that again. Trust me. In fact, pause for a moment and think - What is stopping you from being authentic? Who is stopping you? Where is your authentic self gone? Ask yourself simple questions and you will (without a doubt) be one step closer to your answers. As long as you never stop learning about your true self. I call it life.
2. You will start to appreciate life better
When you are fully belonging to yourself, you can even start to appreciate the strengths that other people have, strengths that you want to learn from, instead of making them mean something about you, right?
3. Hidden potential are right there in front of you
Just think of the power and potential in people around us - if we all stepped up and grab that opportunity 'to be authentic self again' and shoved that inadequacy aside. And just tried a little harder each day to show up in the world and simply be who we are! Wouldn't be that amazing, like a conditioner to hair, no?
4. Re-discover your authentic you
Rediscover who you actually are and reclaim that creative power of yours. If you’re ready to come back home to yourself, to be able to say that you know who you are and what matters to you, then you sure are on the right path.
And remember, it’s totally fine that you’ve lost parts of yourself along the way, but as you learn to anchor back into who you are and align your life to what matters to you, you’ll find that you have more strength, more fulfilment, and more creativity to bring to your important roles and responsibilities.
Just think about 'authenticity' every time your body, should and mind tells you 'you're lost again', just not feeling right and your inner soul is screaming out loud. Just listen. Listen to yourself.
Pssst. And you might even hear more than you wish to hear.
Until next time, S.