How about - 'be yourself, everyone else is already taken' by Oscar Wilde?
I don't know about you, but the first thing that comes to mind after reading that quote is - enough said to me, right? Maybe for you, you actually have the response 'How? How do I do this? It feels really scary and hard.'? Maybe?
And if you are in the second category, wondering how to feel bold enough to step into your true, authentic self then I have got you covered. Because I would really love for everyone to know how to feel good, being themselves and follow the inner voice.
I believe we all deserve to know what that feels like so today I am sharing the great reasons why it is worth being your 'true self'! To me - being true self - brings so many positive outcomes, let's see what;
1. Being 'authentic you' allows you to breathe easier
Hiding and pretending can be emotionally, mentally, physically exhausting. The more you allow your essence to mature, the less stress will be in your life and the more relaxed you will be in every area of your life.
2. Less stress will therefore make you more productive
You know it is true, I am sure you do! When you are not stressed out, you can focus on what is going on in front of you rather than trying to live as you are not. And I am talking about your productivity at work and your life in general.
3. There will be a greater trust
When people see you living in alignment with your values, see you being straightforwardly yourself, their trust in you will soar. And trustworthy people make great leaders. If you become known for being honest and trustworthy, you are more likely to be promoted or given opportunities.
4. Being true to yourself will help you remember how to dream
Surviving each day being untrue to yourself just to survive the next steals your creativity and passion. Allowing yourself to dream again will open doors you dead bolted years ago and lead to your purpose. Imagine actually living each day inspired by doing what brings you joy. Believe it or not, it is entirely possible! Yes it is.
5. Life will be way much easier
Yes, life will be much easier to live when you are truly yourself. Trying hard to be like 'someone you are not', just to impress everyone can be mentally and physically exhausting. Trust me!! Life becomes more difficult because you are in a opposition to what your heart really needs. Opposition, you hear me?! But, when you are truly yourself, you live life at your own pace. Calm and full heart, remember this!!
6. You will start making better decisions
Yes, you will make better decisions when you are true self. If you give in to social norms and follow the herd, you are likely to value other’s people’s opinion more than you listen to what your heart says. You are more likely to make wrong decisions this way. But when you embrace your true personality and follow your heart, you can hardly go wrong. Lesson learned!!
7. Being your true self will give you more confidence - end!
Now that you are trying on your own shoes instead of walking in someone’s that are too small, you will not have to focus on the pain of pretending. You can walk taller, throw your shoulders back and hold your head high. Regardless of your gender, you know wearing styling shoes that fit makes you feel better about yourself and puts a spring in your step. Let that confidence carry you through the whole day – and the whole day after that. Every day, step by step!
Often times we have spent so much of our lives being what we thought we needed to be for a myriad of reasons that we truly do not know who the heck we are. Feel this? Whether it is believing something because we were raised in such a way, saying the perfect response to acquire the job we so desperately want, behaving a certain way to maintain a relationship with a significant other or wearing a certain piece of clothing because it is the trend of the season and want to fit in, we consciously contort ourselves to become what others would prefer us to be, or what we think others want us to be instead of being who we are meant to be.
So the bottom line is, continue to surprise (each and every day), dazzle and enrich your life. How? By simply 'be - just being you - your true self'. To me, it is the best gift you could ever possibly give yourself.
Time is now.
Until next time, S.