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Writer's picturethegoddesswife

Reminder - Your body matters, take a good care of it

Today's reminder is here.

Caring for your body is important because it's the only one you have. And if you don't take care of it, it won't be able to take care of you. If you're not feeling good, it's hard to be productive and happy, end.

1. And what it really means 'taking care of your body'?

Taking care of your body means having a healthy lifestyle, which includes things like eating health(ily), drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep every night, doing fun physical activities every day (yes, daily) and getting regular checkups from your doctor.

To me, it also means taking the time to do things you know help you feel good, like relaxing with loved ones, spending some time for self care, or pursuing your personal goals, whatever they are.

It is not a rocket science really. However, not everybody gets this. Having a healthy lifestyle will help you be more present in every moment by making sure that you feel your best. And thats's something that matter most.

Healthy habits

2. Evaluate

Now pause, think and be honest with yourself and ask yourself a question 'am I taking good care of my body?' If you do so, keep doing this, keep improving and show yourself some love. If not, it is time to start doing it. Your body deserves better. In fact it is the only place you get to live in - physically and emotionally. Make a choice - a better choice.

And remember,

You can go to the gym - every day.

Drink plenty of water.

Take your vitamins.


but, if you

Don't deal with the crap (yes I said crap ;)) going on in your true heart and head - you are still going to be unhealthy and miserable.

Enough said, let me know how you're getting on with all.

Until next time, S.



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