I am a firm believer that you do not need to be overly creative to express yourself. To me, expression should be practical and fun, mostly adding many positive benefits to your life.
Instead of compartmentalising or dwelling, it’s channel your feelings into an expressive outlet daily.
Why? Let me give you few thoughts of mine on this topic. It can be quite interesting and once you start discovering the depth of it, life change for the better, for sure. Trust me!
1. Enhances relationship with yourself and that's all that matters
Enhance your relationships through self-expression. In life, there are many responsibilities, and you may fear by seeking another outlet to express yourself that your relationships and obligations will suffer. Again, to me, the opposite is true. When you’re creating, and leading an active life, you’ve created a space for yourself And when you’re in a more centered space, you generously give to others and express yourself with them. By expressing yourself, you not only develop healthier relationships with others, but, you too, contribute to your own happiness by respecting your need for that outlet.
2. Experience a boost of creativity
Let yourself be 'messy' and just let things go, even if it feels quite different or silly. When you do, you’ll experience a boost of creativity in other areas of your life as you relax more and invite newer perspectives. You will feel more energetic for the other responsibilities of life ;).
New ideas hit you spontaneously, and you recognize the importance of writing those down. You never know where or when a whim will lead to something bigger, or at least more fun. Creativity adds spice to life. I suggest you say goodbye to stagnancy, and hello to new ideas. What do you think? ;)
3. Develop stronger boundaries
When you actively express yourself, you’re able to see how you communicate and take yourself out of life situations for a moment to not judge them so harshly. You gauge your feelings from a clearer mindset and develop a stronger sense of yourself to draw from when you communicate. When you return to a challenging situation, you feel more grounded in yourself to say yes or no without pressure. And, without doubt, you will be able to enforce your personal boundaries more effectively.
4. Expand that sense of time
Life is short, and time flies by when you’re busy powering through your day like a marathon runner. Expression gets right to the point and doesn’t waste your time. Expression allows you to reflect and process, and maybe even enjoy yourself! Time slows when you focus on detail. Your expanded sense of time will give you perspective about what you want to do with your time on Earth. Try it!
And how do I do it?
Read further and get some ideas :)
- I keep a journal (this whole page is my journal - my journey. All uncensored :))
Remember, this is not the 'dear diary' of your childhood kind of. No, no. There are many types of journals out there to keep, such as organisational, creative, nature, self-reflective, poetic and many more. To me, journaling has a myriad of benefits from relieving emotions, feelings, symptoms that stimulate your brain, etc. - leading you to more uniquely and quickly connected ideas and boosted IQs of yours. Beside, journaling allows you a space to say what you may be afraid to say to others, even to yourself. Writing by hand makes it easier to pause and force your brain to focus. Journaling gives you an opportunity to see situations from a distance, find new perspectives and record the beautiful parts of the day. Yes.
- I tend to keep active (this is like a Bible to me)
Move your body to express yourself, whether that’s through exercise, meditative nature walks or learning a new dance. You don’t have to be a yoga nut to crack the self-expression code.
When you’re lethargic most of the day, your mind will also be stagnant. Getting your body moving forces your mind to get with the program, too. Movement will make you feel more grounded and connected to your body, as well as any thoughts or emotions it’s experiencing. You cannot loose a bit to be active. That's in our nature anyways.
- I daily train my brain, try new things and force myself to get out of comfort zone
This one is so important. Just never stop learning. Find things that excite you and go for it. Keep that adrenalin high. Heart beat should get pumped to its max every day once ;)
- music is life to me
Expressing myself was awkward at first, it's like something you fumble to find the 'right' word or behavior that matches how you’re feeling. Sometimes, you need to spontaneously embrace opportunities for expression that make no logical sense, like singing in the shower, or talk to yourself ;). To me, for no reason, the shower head makes a perfect microphone to sing as beautiful or horribly as you want. Sing it, loud and proud! Just remember to embrace your spontaneous side. Yo got this ;)
And yes, there are many creative and practical ways to express yourself, as well as many benefits that come with doing so. How you express yourself will be unique to who you are and finding that is part of the journey and fun!
Just make sure you make expressing yourself a daily activity. Develop a habit of journaling before bed or singing in the shower in the morning. It doesn’t have to be a formally planned or time-consuming activity. In its best moments, expression is spontaneous and inspiring.
I say 'yes ' to express yourself!
Until next time, S.