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Writer's picturethegoddesswife

The right amount of coffee is good for you.

Ah, coffee. ;) Who else? ;)

Whether you’re cradling a 'to go' mug on your way to work or dashing out after your workout session to refuel with a skinny latte, it’s hard to imagine a day without it. No?

The caffeine perks you up, and there’s something incredibly soothing about sipping a steaming cup of favourite coffee. But is drinking coffee actually healthy, can the caffeine boost energy and performance, and how much is too much? Let's break it down a bit.

So, what is coffee?

Coffee is a brewed drink prepared using roasted coffee beans which are taken from the berries of the coffea plant. There are two main species of coffee beans which are the arabica and robusta, and depending on where they are grown, both the country and the altitude determines the flavour of the coffee.

Nutritional benefits of coffee A 100ml portion of coffee, with milk, contains:

- 7Kcal/31KJ

- 0.5g protein

- 0.4g fat

- 0.5g carbohydrates

Coffee is rich in polyphenols, plant compounds which may have a protective antioxidant effect. Organic fresh (beans or ground) coffee is best having a higher antioxidant content, with light or medium roast blends preferable to dark.

And, the benefits of coffee?

1. May help you live longer

Research suggests that having three cups (max) of coffee per day may lengthen lifespan by lowering the risk of death from several conditions including heart disease. However, the mechanism and effect of coffee’s influence on ageing is not yet fully understood and more studies are needed.

2. May increase energy and performance

Coffee may help some people maintain alertness and energy levels thanks to its caffeine content. When coffee is consumed, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and travels to the brain where it ‘fires up’ certain neurons which may improve memory, mood, energy and cognitive function, if consumed in moderation. Other reports suggest drinking coffee before exercise may reduce rates of exertion and potentially improve athletic performance. (I practise this and could easily say it works wonders for me).

3. May boost metabolism

Other research findings also suggest that caffeine improves weight management through boosting metabolic rate and burning fat. Researchers have speculated, therefore, that caffeine may show promise in the treatment of obesity, although more research is needed.

Healthy habits

4. May support brain function

There have been numerous studies examining a link between drinking coffee and protection against neurodegenerative diseases (such as dementia and Alzheimer’s).

5. May help with blood sugar balance

There is some evidence to suggest that coffee, at moderate levels, may lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, although more research is needed.

Is coffee safe for everyone?

Caffeine is a stimulant and everyone reacts differently to it. Take into consideration that the factors which influence how well you process caffeine also include your genes, age, gender, whether you are overweight, etc.

If you are concerned about your caffeine intake or you take medication which may interact with caffeine you should refer to your GP for guidance.

Make sure, your cup of coffee makes you feel good and does not (by any chance) gives you an awkward feeling such as dizziness or/and inability to sleep well. And remember to drink your coffee it in the morning (for best performance throughout the day, avoiding it late afternoons and evenings).

Enjoy your 'cup'.

Until next time, S.



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