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Writer's picturethegoddesswife

Things I wished I knew in my 30's

Yes, I am heading towards big 43, however I have experienced the most growth and change in the last 2 years I'd say. (although I have been an exercise enthusiast all over from my early teens, but honestly, I never really knew what my body needs and is truly capable of).

Trust me, when I say - It is never too late to make changes, changes for better and today I am sharing some things that took me a bit to figure it all out. Well I still don't have it all figured out, but I am always trying to improve (be better than I was yesterday). That's for fact. And I will try to share what I learned along the way with all of you.If only you wish to listen ;). They say, changes come, when we are ready to take the on board and accept the journey process. And remember, nothing comes over night!

So, let's begin;

But first, start loving your body and your body will in return give you all and more.

Healthy habits

1. Nutrition is crucial when it comes to changes

Your food and drink choices matter! And trust me, you will not loose fat unless you put your body into calorie deficit (I have no special formula for you, you will have to figure your body out. No magic wand here. It's as simple as that). The food you choose to eat and drinks you choose to drink will sure impact how you feel and perform. Just because it 'fits' does not mean it is helping you meet and reach your goals, right? Think about it. Biggest example of drink is consumption of alcohol. Yp. Occasionally, but again, you know how your body works!

2. Do not neglect walking

Oh yes. It can be one of the biggest game changers. Walking to me is everything. It does help maintain your body weight and loose fat. Beside improves energy during day and sleep at night.

Also, elevates your mood and reduces stress and anxiety. So, start walking (even instead of just using elevator)!.

3. Have a good night sleep

Sleep should be a priority! I used to stay up late, wake up early, drank coffees like there is no tomorrow, etc. Yes I know right. If only I knew then. Now I know that it was a never ending cycle of exhaustion.

4. Overtraining is a killer too

Overtraining keeps you from your goals. Less is more when it leads to better execution and recovery. So to me, training every day is crucial. However I do weight training with some cardio for about 4-5 times a week, and the rest days I give my body opportunity to recover via some active stretching, pilates or yoga. That's how my body works and it brings me pleasurable feeling. And that's all that matter.

5. Trust the process

Do not get into the battles with yourself over loosing fat progress or loosing weight (or gaining fat or weight). The same applies when going on vacations. Adapt to situation. Understand. It is completely OK not to stress over scenarios like this.

6. Throw your scale away

Understanding the number on the scale or being a certain clothing size does not dictate if you are fit, happy or healthy. End!

7. Weight training and nutrition go hand in hand

Getting stronger or progressing in weight training (building new muscle) requires eating more calories, not limiting yourself to stay a certain weight.

8. Do not get obsessed with food counting

That is not the point at all. You do not need to track your food 100% of the time. You just have to learn about your body's needs and maintain what works for you. No magic wand here either. The worst thing I can imagine is to constantly fight with myself what I can or cannot put into my mouth. Crazy!

9. Do not take your life and body for granted

Gratitude and appreciation for your health and body. A realisation that the ability to exercise and train is a gift that we should never take for granted or let be a wasted opportunity. Appreciate yourself - for all the thing that you can do.

Last but not least, love your body fully, embrace the moment, make memories and be grateful for moment life offered you. You can either let it behind or cherish each and every moment. That is what living fully is all about. 'Authentic you' is something I generally miss among people. Let leave judging behind and make the world a better place to live.

Until next time, S.



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