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Writer's picturethegoddesswife

Two-exercise workout for perky butt

I think that it’s safe to say that most females would love to have a perky, firm and round booty. Let's put it this way - some of us are born with genetically larger bottoms, while others aren’t as lucky. However I have good news for you ;)

By following my workouts (for booty as well others) you sure will see results, but in general I believe you will start to enjoy exercising and make it a priority each day ;)

With this 2 exercises you (if consistent of course) can get a firm (lifted) booty of your dreams.

Perform this circuits for at least twice a week among with your other workout routine and watch out ;)

Equipment needed:

One moderately heavy weight dumbbell and a yoga mat.

Two exercises only ;)

How I do it?

Exercise 1 - dumbbell sumo squat with single to double to touch x20

Exercise 2 - donkey kick backs (left leg 45 sec, right leg 45 sec - 30 second rest) x10

I do both exercises, one after another then rest 30 second and repeat.

Do it as a circuit training, repeating that in 5 circuits (rounds).

This workout should take approximately 30 minutes. Make sure you warm up prior to start and do some stretching in the end.

And let me know what you think. I love the 'burning sensation' and that a good enough reason I do it regularly ;)

Enjoy - you got this!!

Until next time, S.




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