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Writer's picturethegoddesswife

Ways I learned to love my body

Stop hating your body for its tiny imperfections. Change the way you think and learn how to love the body you're in. Hopefully my journey will inspire you to change the way you think and perceive your own body at the moment - and you will start to embrace the body in every aspect.

1. Strong body, strong mind

Would you believe if I say 'I used to reach for food to deal with every emotion, like stress, fatigue, worry, even happiness'? The fix lasted for minutes, but the guilt hangover lasted much longer than that. Now when I need a quick boost or an energy lift, or even a way to celebrate something good in my life - I exercise. The fix carries me through to my next workout, day by day. And instead of guilt, I feel proud of my 'stronger than ever' body. Exercise is a medicine, that I know for fact!!

2. Set an example with your body image

Now, the first time I saw my child imitate me by scowling at self in the mirror, I knew my relationship with my body had to change. No longer do I focus on problem areas when I look in the mirror. Now I revel in the miles my body can exercise, walk, do daily chores, etc. By ensuring that family love their bodies, I learned to love mine too. It was certainly an unexpected gift of motherhood. If I can give the a guide to be better daily, then 'myself' deserves that too! Remember that. Love yourself and share the love to those you love!!

3. Find your own path towards loving your body

Whatever gives you that little positive lift, just do it. I do workout daily, take care of myself, talk to myself and really I started to listen to what my body is telling me. Do. Repeat. Daily. Consistency is the key, and soon it will become a habit. Your own healthy habit.

4. Appreciate all the things your body can do

I learned to love my body when I turned my focus from appearance to gratitude for everything my body enables me to do. I am so fortunate to be able to spin, dance, run, do aerobics and all sorts of outdoor activities without limitations, and every time I do something active, I think about how grateful I am to be able to do so. A healthy and active body is a beautiful body and that is something you have to remember and remind yourself of every day!

5. Your body should be your best friend

I started talking to myself and treating myself like I would talk to my best friend. If my best friend missed a workout or gained a few pounds, I would motivate her to get back on track—not to judge her. Fit bottoms come in all shapes and sizes, after all, right!

Healthy habits

6. Do not weigh yourself

The day I stopped letting the scale steal my happiness and be a gauge of my 'self worth', I was able to really build a true love relationship with my body. Learning to love your body and be accepting of everything (and I mean all the excellence among with the flaws) is a process and a journey, but one well worth it! Trust me.

7. Fitness is not about skinny jeans

I never felt like I fit in, and I struggled with those feelings for years. Eventually I started looking at myself as a whole and realised that I am intelligent, funny, unique, and yes, I am beautiful. True beauty is not about fitting into a cultural stereotype but a quality that shines from within. Do you hear me? However, that does not mean we should stop trying to improve, but it just means that our time is better spent focusing on building a strong, healthy body and mind rather than trying to fit into a 'cookie cutter' mold. Be yourself.

8. Accept your body type

I remember in the sixth grade realising that I loved my strong legs and glutes as I rode my three-speed bike for miles. To feel their power along with the wind blowing through my hair and sunshine on my skin was exhilarating. My athletic legs and prominent posterior have taken me from taking dancing classes to high kicking at my school pe, to hiking, skiing and climbing mountains. I guess you could say my legs, butt and I go way back. Funny how some things never change!

9. Fight your inner perfectionist

After years of daily exercise, the most important lesson I have learned is to focus on what my body can do rather than what it cannot. No matter how much I work out, my body will never be perfect. I will never have a true 'six pack' abs or run a six minute mile, but I do have legs that can take me on a beautiful trail run through the woods or support me as I flow into downward dog during a challenging yoga movements. Do not dwell on your weaknesses but love your body for its strengths. Yes!

10. Never compare your body to somebody else's

If I compare myself with other women, I can create a million reasons why I should hate my body ;) and I am sure you can relate. Comparing myself with others always leaves me feeling inadequate and unhappy about my body, so I choose not to do it. My body might not be perfect compared with others, but it is the only body I will ever have. I would rather accept this fact and love my body the way it is than waste my time hating any part of it.

11. Let go of weight loss worries

Over the years, my weight was a constant source of insecurity and concern for me. Although I was athletic, strong, healthy and, dare I say, even a little bit pretty, I still felt that my weight defined me more than anything else. Several years ago, I really put my mind to losing weight, and I successfully lost quite a lot, I am still not at my goal weight yet, but I have learned how my body responds to exercise and healthy eating. I no longer let myself be defined by my weight. I marvel in my body's strengths and embrace my imperfections. Oh yes.

12. Focus on what helps you feel good

I have stopped looking at taking care of my body as a chore. I had to let go of some silly ideal that at my age (almost 42) is tougher and tougher to achieve without reverting to a boring stereotype. Diet and exercise have been less about someone else's ideal and more about what is ideal for me. I eat healthy foods I like because they make me feel good, and I stay away from anything that leaves me feeling either guilty or unsatisfied or sick. I daily exercise because it helps me be more productive at work, to complete all the home & family chores, be more loving partner to my husband, and it prolongs the quality of my life. Yes - the quality!! I am worth this sort of care, whether or not it makes me thinner ;).

13. Find the right routine for you

I'm in love with my body whenever I treat it right, even if it does not look as good as I would like. On those days I fill up with healthy veggies, fruits, fiber and lean proteins, hydrate, and make a date with the gym, I can't help but love my 'mom' body. Do that routine enough and it sure is a love for the ages.

Last by not least - start to love yourself first. Embrace the body and appreciate every moment life has given to you. Love first remember? ;)

Until next time, S.



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