Let's explain what self love is?
Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth. Self-love is dynamic.
And how do we do it?
Remember - you will grow to love yourself by behaving in positive ways that will helps you physically, psychologically, and spiritually. You can not let some (non-important) imperfection keep you from growing to love yourself no?
As we love ourself - superpowers will develop too
When you learn to love yourself, life will improve dramatically (Yes, you heard that right). But that doesn't mean you will instantly become flawless, but you will acquire “superpowers” that will make your weaknesses trivial. Self-love empowers you with the mental toughness with which you can then accomplish your dreams. Also, as you begin to love yourself, your life falls into place, and you design your life around events that make you overall healthy and happy.
And what are the 'superpowers' you should work on in your every day life?
1. Meditation
Exercises and activities where you care for your body and mind help you to love yourself. (I do practise this daily and cannot imagine my life without it anymore :)). They also provide additional mental and physical health benefits such as reduced stress and increased stamina
2. Mindfulness
Mindfulness means that you are conscious of the present moment, and you love yourself, regardless of the daily possible chaos we are encountering. Also, with mindfulness, you begin to care about your physical, psychological, and spiritual needs. With that in mind, you will take better care of yourself, finding health and (that, long waiting)peace. Once this is in place and your needs are met, your capacity to succeed in your environment at home and work will also increase.
3. Self confidence
Self-confidence is an attitude about your skills and abilities. It means you accept and trust yourself and have a sense of control in your life. You know your strengths and weakness well, and have a positive view of yourself. You set realistic expectations and goals, communicate assertively, and can handle criticism. Also, self confidence enables you to encounter greater independence and the power to act.
4. Maturity
In my opinion, maturity is yet another important factor as well necessary to be a healthy, functioning adult. The older you get the more experience you gain and that is something that makes you different from others. Learn about the superpowers you have gained and put the in a good use.
5. Empathy
Where you can feel empathy for other human beings around you, in your community and the world, then you know that you have moved to an advanced level of human development. You gain the ability to further connect with the people around you because you understand them better. To sense and feel the emotions of others is essential for growth.
Many other things you can do to love yourself, as long as you find something that will leave you with positive feeling and with a smile on your face. Life is precious, respect that.
Until next time, S.