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Writer's picturethegoddesswife

You should go braless from time to time

To me, going braless is the world's best feeling ever - trust me ;)

Getting a bra that properly fits can do wonders for your boobs, but there is nothing quite like going without one. While there are certainly some women who simply cannot go bra free, whether it is due to comfort or size, the ones who can seem to universally agree that it is supremely amazing — whether you do it in public or just in the comfort of your own home. As someone with large breasts who has recently started embracing the wonders of going braless, I am totally obsessed. ;) Let me discover why? ...

1. Your natural chest shape emerges

For years, I thought that extremely round, padded and shaped look was the best one for my body. Now that I have started skipping a bra all together (mainly at home ;)) I actually get to see the shape of my breasts, about which I have been previously self-conscious. It iss fine if you like a bra-shaped appearance for your boobs, but it never hurts to try something new, right? ;)

2. You get that 'took off my bra' feeling all day long.

You know how wonderful it feels to remove your bra the moment you get home :) Now, imagine experiencing that delight for the entire day. I highly recommend doing it while at home, having a day off work or on that lazy weekends we do not want to do anything but chill :) Enjoy.

3. Get away with those pressure lines

Even the best bras can leave some uncomfortable marks on your skin, so why not just skip them all together?

4. Going braless does not make your boobs 'sag'

First of all, some breasts are naturally droopy. That is a fact, and it is perfectly fine (remember that and embrace body they it is!). You really do not need to be afraid of it! Secondly, there is this oft repeated old wives' tale that if you do not wear a bra, your breasts will get lower and lower, but studies actually concluded the opposite. In fact, the study found that women who went without bras developed more muscle tissue, allowing their bodies to support their breasts naturally ;) So here we go, I totally agree, from my own experience - Thank you science for simple understanding :).

Healthy habits

5. If it makes you uncomfortable it is best to just skip it

Obviously (and unfortunately) there are situations where people are going to judge you for what you wear. But who cares really? Be truth to yourself! If you feel your most confident heading out to dinner or to the park without a bra, let yourself just go for it. And don't listen to anyone who says your breasts are not the right shape, size or type to go bra-free. I would say it loud, but I'll stop here BS!

6. To me it feels just a little extra adventurous

I have to be honest. Going without a bra sometimes translates to risking a 'wardrobe malfunction', depending on what you wear it with. But hey, you only live once. You might as well feel extra alive every once in a while, and that 'breeze+boobs' combo will definitely help.

7. Braless boobs good look in a crop top

That is a fact! If you have ever felt so inclined to try the continuously popular crop top (and let me remind you, it is for any age and any body type, without an exceptions, just find there right one for you and you will 'shake the world around'!).

8. Embrace your boobs

Since the bra free look has returned to popularity, more and more women with differently shaped breasts have been rocking it. Droopy, small, large, asymmetrical, perky, just all sorts, not just the one type fashion 'kind of' ;) And the cool thing about that is that it is a reminder of how different chests (and cleavage) are. Embrace your body all the way!!

At the end of the day, wearing a bra or not is a personal choice. For those who do not feel the need, it is up to them. On the other hand, if some are looking for support or feel discomfort due to the weight of their breasts then it is advisable to pass into the hands of experts. Braless or not, the most important thing is to feel confident and comfortable in your own skin and body.

You are beautiful just the way you are and you should remember that!

Until next time, S.



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