I hear people say it every day 'I,m full of energy today' or 'I' very low on energy today' (I do say it too, yes). however what does it really mean? I believe energy levels are not only affected by the food we eat but also (if not just only) by our thoughts, emotions and feelings. Once you get this, things change. It is a game changer. The way you perceive things, the way you organise yourself but most importantly the way you choose your environment and people around.
I also believe that emotions that are freely experienced in person are expressed without judgement or attachment and tend to flow easier without impacting our daily life and overall health. However, on the other hand, repressed emotions can lead to mental stress that negatively affects our body and will in the end lead to further health problems (sometimes causing the end of your life, too soon. I've seen it already and I believe we all have). Pause for a second and think. Is your life full? Do you feel the joy, the freedom, the endless possibilities within you?...or you just feel trapped in your own body? I've got your back. Keep strong. Fight and never give up. Life is a gift. Gift, copy that!
1. The saddest of all is, that many people never get to understand it
Most people are unaware of their daily thoughts and emotions, only recognising them fully (or never) when they are overwhelmed with anger or sadness, fear or extreme happiness (which rarely happens based on authentic level anyways). In my opinion, our energy has an effect on our overall well being, our relationships and without a doubt our behaviour. Daily behaviour.
2. Your negative energy will impact your body, that's for sure
Negative attitude and feeling of hopelessness can (and will) create chronic stress, which will eventually upset the body's hormone balance. Beside it will deplete brain chemicals required for happiness and affect your immune system. In that case, all I can say is, reconnect with yourself and start to use your energy wisely.
3. You will have to learn how to recognise what is going on in your energy
But how, right? Let's say,
- Through your awareness (let just say quote Deepak Chopra - 'The awareness is a birthplace of possibilities. Everything you want to do, everything you want to be, starts here'.).
To me, it is all about understanding who you are and how your whole being relates to this world. To me, it is about your overall mental and emotional health to be present in situations and completely understand how your actions affect you and people around you. You also have to know your passions but most importantly where and on what you would like your energy to be spent. You will have to determine your self awareness and ask yourself how you feel about certain things. Daily. Work on it and see what happens. Let me tell you, most of my teenage years I had this deep feeling of not having life in control, I felt hopeless, completely. But now, more than ever I know who I am, who I want to be and what energy is the right one for me. It's is a hard mind 'f' game, but once you know how to play it, nothing can stop you. Just remember this! (I speak from my own experience).

- Forgive ( I know, this one is a hard nut to crack, yet I know how it feels. I felt freedom, so should you). Recognise your trigger (the ones that are upsetting you) and start to practise mindful living. simply start living in the moment, be present and do not let past events force you to be a prisoner of your own mind. Focus on your attention on now. Live now. Be authentic. Life is happening now! OK?
- Practise gratitude daily (acknowledge the good aspects of life and be thankful. Thankful for another day, for your health and well being, thankful you can breathe air and drink water. Be thankful for life. Keep reminding yourself that your life should not be take for granted.
- Be resilient (stop denying the past pain or suffering you have experienced, instead hold the thought of it and make sure it does not happen again - you have the experience by now. You know how the wind blow. This, trust me, we make you stronger and will help you grow on all levels of your personality. You will become you again. Authentic you.
- Wire your heart to your brain again (this means that you should at all times follow your heart, your instinct, but be smart enough to know if you can get hurt once more, Be cautious but be you. Do not step over your emotions again.
If there is any advice I can give you, is to follow your heart, follow your energy - the one that gives you wind in your wings. Be widely open to life opportunities and appreciate what life throws at you. It can be the one that will hurt or the one that will give you goosebumps. Either way, life will enrich you for another lesson. And that is (to me) the whole point of life.
Do not waste your time. Life is waiting for you. You matter.
Until next time, S.